idiom | meaning | example sentence |
beet red | dark red (usually to describe face) | My sister's face turned beet red when I caught her singing in front of a mirror. |
black and blue | bruised and beaten | We found the poor guy black and blue near the train tracks. |
black and white | straight forward, very clear | The rules we gave the kids were black and white. No answering the phone or the door. |
black out | faint | I always black out at the sight of blood. |
black sheep | the odd or bad member of the group | My oldest brother was the black sheep in our family. He dropped out of school at fifteen. |
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth | born into a rich family | Keiko hasn't worked a day in her life. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. |
catch red handed | catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal | The kids were caught red handed stealing chocolate bars. |
golden opportunity | the perfect chance | The models' conference was a golden opportunity for me to sell my beauty products. |
grey area, gray area | something without a clear rule or answer | Writing personal email in the office is a grey areathat needs to be discussed at the next meeting. |
the green light | permission | The builders were given the green light to begin the tower. |
green with envy | very jealous | I am green with envyover Julio's new wardrobe. |
(have a) green thumb | be skillful in the garden | You can tell by her flower garden that Sheila has a green thumb. |
have the blues | be sad or depressed | I always have the the blues during the winter time. |
in the dark | unaware | Antoine left his wife in the dark about their honeymoon destination until they got to the airport. |
in the red | in debt | When we were in the red we almost had to sell the house. |
once in a blue moon | very rarely | We only go out for dinner once in a blue moon. |
out of the blue | unexpectedly | I got a phone call from a long lost cousin out of the blue last week. |
red tape | official or bureaucratic tasks | There is still some red tape to deal with in terms of the inheritance. |
red eye | an airplane flight that takes off after midnight | I caught the red eye so that I would see the sunrise over the mountains. |
roll out the red carpet | treat someone like royalty | When relatives come to town my grandmother rolls out the red carpet. |
rose coloured glasses | unrealistic view | Paula imagines Hollywood with rose coloured glasses. |
see red | be very angry | I saw red when that guy grabbed my sister's purse. |
tickled pink | very pleased and appreciative | My mom was tickled pink when my father brought roses home for her. |
true colours | real self | Suzanne doesn't show her true colours when we have guests over. |
white lie | an innocent lie to protect another person's feelings | We told Grandma that her cake was delicious, which was actually a white lie. |
with flying colours | with distinction.: He passed his C1 exam with flying colours |

Aulaglobal es el lugar donde aprender inglés de forma práctica y divertida en Lorca, con profesores nativos anglosajones y españoles, todos ellos con titulación Universitaria. Nuestros alumnos pueden comenzar su aventura de aprendizaje a los 4 años en nuesro Little Club y continuar hasta la obtención del nivel C1 de Inglés según el MCERL. Centro preparador oficial de exámenes de Cambridge y preparador y examinador de Trinity. Nos encanta el inglés y disfrutamos impartiéndolo.
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017
idiomas and colours. Fluency.
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